Friday, June 30, 2006

Photos from GC 2006

Here are some photos from General Convention:

The NJ Deputation, hard at work

Trinity Church, Columbus

Joan Anders, Elizabeth Geitz, John Goldsack and Phil Carr-Jones (and a really hot car)

Same as above, only with Joan Anders in front of the car

Walt Zelley

Walt Zelley in full convention clothing

Phil with a really snazzy camera

The depuation with the Bishop (sans, Jack Zamboni, Servio Moscoso, and Peter Hausmen)

see above

Joan Anders and George Werner

Some NJ folk (specifically Joan Anders, Jayne Oasin, John Goldsack, Neva Rae Fox, Bob Fox and half of Jack Zamboni's head)

Joan Anders and Jayne Oasin

Rob (from Lexington), LeeAnne (from Ohio) and me with the (al)Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori

Saturday, June 24, 2006

In the end...

Well, its over, and in a way, I'm both glad that JVZ was at GC and that I will not be back in York, Pa (where I attend college) until Monday morning. As many are talking about, I have yet to come to terms with much of what occured at convention, and am saddened at the division which seems to have grown. However, I know that God is stronger than man, and I pray that we will not try to get in his way.

As I was saying, it will not be my responsibility to discuss what occured at GC at St. John's as others will have likely done that in York and JVZ will be taking care of that at GraSP (my home parish). I just have to remind myself that it is in the hands of our elected leadership (the HOB) and our new PB.

I only wish K-J S's term didn't begin with such sad legislation.

May we somehow find a way to begin the new triennium with a focus on mission and a strong Alleluia!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


well, its over. We passed a slew of legislation over the last few hours, simply storming through the "important" ones and finishing Windsor.
It is now up to the Bishops who are saddened and the PB to work with the AC. We can only pray our bishops all recieve Lambath invitations in 2008, and I hope to see (almost) everyone in Anaheim. I'm saddened by some of the legislation, gladdened by others, and all in all, in a strange way, sad its over.


feel free to KIT

oh btw: best line at Friday night's integrity eucharist: Bishop Robinson preached as asked the "homosexually challenged folks" to bear with him. Cool way to think of it.


OMG got a pick with Catherine J-S!!!


and even more BS...

So it was passed... the bloody ersolution was passed (that being B-033)
and they still walked.

10 or so bishops, including Ackerman of Quincy signed a statement saying they were leaving, asking the ABC for these doicese to be recognised as the national church and claim to have the backing of several primates.

While I understand that passing B033 was "necessary so Katherine J-S will have something to bring to the table," I feel in part like it's all for naught.

At least its almost over. an hour and half till adgornment



the HOD is presently being bullied into passing a BS resolution that I think may be worse than the original... the bishops just "wandered" in to do what I honestly think is guilt tripping. We only have a few hours left of convention and only just started to hit important stuff before they pulled this. PB-Elect just spoke, to further say the resolution sucks but that we have to pass it.

I want to support her, but it seems to me like we are saying "yay we haev a woman so f*@* the glbt community.

a bit more...

The post from last night was posted at 1am not 9pm as it claims, which explains the bad grammer...

This convention is really bothering me... thuogh I acknowlege that General Convention is the only body that is allowed to handle the Widsor Report, I feel strongly that it is getting in the middle of the MISSION of the church - the Great Commissionm etc.

I have heard more about sex from the church than from being what my friends call "the only bi-sexual virgin college student they have ever met."

The mission of the church is to heal and help, and work towards peace int he world and fairness and life, and sex is getting in themiddle. Jesus talks about this mission... Paul mentions sex.. Why are we focusing on Paul and not Jesus?

Maybe I am an ethnocentric American who wants to act unilaterally... I prefer to think of myself as young, impetuous, loving and striving to fulfill God's will of restoring his perfectly created order of tolerance, love, acceptance, and beauty.]


Tuesday, June 20, 2006


We did not simply "reject" the Anglican Communion. There were hours of debate which did not end until 9:30 pm. The resolutions simply weren't acceptable. There is a point at which one cannot sacrifice their faith, beliefs, and biblical interpretation for the sake of unity. Unity is from God.

We did apologise for "straining the bonds of affection. That was down from the term "breaching bonds" as we believe that the bonds are God's and thus we are incapable of breaking them.

The HOB is going to call a joint session to try to pass the original form of the resolution on concecration of openly gay bishops. The HOD was given an amended version from the Committee asking us to "refrain" from ordination of openly gay bishops but the commission asked us to "excersice considerable caution" which many of us could live with (dont' we always do that with bishops?)

many more could live with this.
can't type
must sleep

Monday, June 19, 2006

later today...

We get the budget at 2:30, elect Executive Council and Trustees to General Seminary and vote on most of the Windsor resolutions in a few hours... AND I'm on the floor, replacing our ONLY conservative vote!! SWEET!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Oh, and by the way, we have elected Brian Prior of Spokane as VP of the HOD and Bonnie Anderson, former VP to Pres of the HOD.

PB elections

Unlike the common asumption prior to the election, as we all know the Rt Rev Katharine Jefferts Schori of Nevada was elected presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church. Most of us assumed she would be elected on either the first ballot (courtasy vote) or not at all. You may not, however, know the full balloting results (elected in 5 ballots):

188 votes cast, 95 needed to elect

Ballot 1:
Alexander: 26
Duque-Gomez 18
Jefferts-Schori 44
Jenkins: 29
Parsley: 36
Sauls: 20

Ballot 2:
A: 26
D-G: 10
G: 7
J-S: 49
J: 30
P: 36
S: 17

Ballot 3:
A: 22
G: 1
J-S: 68
J: 24
S: 6

Ballot 4:
A: 12
D-G: 2
G: 0
J-S: 88
J: 5
P: 79
A: 2

Ballot 5:
Alexander: 2
Duque-Gomez: 6
Gulick: 0
Jefferts-Schori: 95 *
Jenkins: 3
Parsley: 2
Sauls: 0

She was confirmed in the House of Deputies in a vote by orders, on E-017 (Committee on the Consecration of Bishops):
Lay Order:
Diocese voting: 109
Yes: 94
No: 8
Divided: 7
No+Div = 15

Clergy Order:
Diocese Voting: 111
Yes: 98
No: 10
Divided: 4
No+Div: 13

Resolution E-017 was adopted and The Rt. Rev (soon to be the Most Rev) Katherine Jefferts-Schori will be installed as Presiding Bishop and Primate in November of this year.

Title IV

Just a heads up, it looks as if the title IV revisions will either be sent back to committee or completely rewritten. Deputy Sally Johnson of Minnisota, chair of the Committee on Constitutions and Cannons of is trying to rewrite them, but that is a daunting and time consuming task. If she does find time to rewrite them before convention ends, rumor has it that lay inclusion in this cannon may be removed.

(I'm trying to only update with stuff you can't get off of ENS)


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another Update

Hi all!

This is a quick update!
The House of Bishops past the Revised Common Lectionary resolution, it still has to go to the House of Deputies before it would take effect.

Triennial had a special service in recogntion of the Anniversary of Women's Ordination.
It was a nice gesture, though I don't really fit in.
It was either Susie Erdey or Dylan Breuer who made the comment that I rather enjoyed - after mentioning that I don't fit in Triennial, the responce was along the lines of "you in Triennial is like Susan Russell there. WOW, I just got compared to Susan Russell...not sure what to make of that.

Jackie Means spoke of Kids Camp, a ministry for children of incarcerated parents. Anyone intersted in helping or starting a branch of their own should contact her - somehow.

The HOD started using a new electronic voting system (different from the one used last GC). There seem to be a lot of problems, and some claiming errors in their voting. Having not used this system I'm not sure if their complains are valid and widly felt or if some of the deputies are just really dumb. (When a motion was made and a vote was taken to return to paper ballots the motion was defeated.) However, paper ballots will be used for elections as more than 10% of the deputies made errors while voting (such as voting for #26 out of 19) .

Okay, that was yesterday.. today I finally got to get on the floor.. W00t, there was a vote by orders (thanks Louie Crew) on whether Bishops consents should only be done by Standing Commitees (hopefully that will fail).

A159 DID pass, check out that resolution on the Blue Book link. That is the only Windsor resolution any of us favored. It basically said we all enjoy the anglican communion, we trust eachother, etc, but only committed to parts A and B of the report, NOT the moratorium.

Speaking of which, last night's hearing in front of Committee #26 was interesting, many spoke, but more on that in another post.

Oh, the Title IV resolution is being COMPLETELY rewritten and lay inclusion in this canon may be taken out. There is, however, much doubt as to whether this rewrite will be possible in the days left of convention, and though the current canon is very broken, the revision as rewritten is very flawed, even if written by the brilliant Sally Johnson.

The PB election is being kept very quiet. Neil Alexander still seems like the leader, even though this is unsure, and almost all the Bishops seem to say they could live with any of the nominees. The only Bishop I'm hearing much contest about is Jenkins (many couldn't deal with him as PB, and people question if now is the right time for a woman [Katherine Jefferts Schori] - especially one whose diocese is smaller than some large parishes.

PB&F came forward with a resolution which redistributed the focuses of the committee. The brought Peace and Justice to number 1, Youth to 2 (renaming it children and youth), Reconsiliation and Evangelism to number 3, followed by Congregational Transformation then Partnerships.
Though some protested the move of Youth, I approved strongly, as I believe that little motivates youth than seeing justice and peace brought to the world. That is the Living Church.

I'm gonna run, more updates soon.

Peace all,

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Recap of Monay

Hi! Though I've speant much of my time holed up in the Structure Committee room, much has gone on outside those walls.

The first hearing on the Special Commission on the Windsor report was yesterday. Numerous people testified including Susan Russell. The hearing focused resolutions A165, A166, and C007 (which can be found on the EC website). Tommorrow is the larger hearing which will focus on resolutions A160, A161, A162, and A163 which alll deal with expressions of regret regarding our actions.

Though ABC Rowan Williams was rude enough not to show up during convention (making Frank Griswold one of the only PBs not to have an ABC visit convention during his term, the Archbishop of York delivered a nice (and amusing) address.

Title IV hearings (the disciplanary stuff) had a hearing yesterday. 13 people testified and almost all were very negative.

There was a U2charist last night at which over 300 people attended. It rocked!

More to come and more legislation is passed and debated!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Evidently wireless access in the hotel is a bit more expensive than usual, so I will be updating at least in part from the convention hall, which is rather inconvenient. Similarly, one of the two delegates from the GFS for Triennial dropped out, so as the alternate, this is creating an interesting situation regarding getting time in the HOD. At any rate, I'll update tonight with some Convention news.


Sunday, June 11, 2006


Hello! and Welcome to my journal. My name is Allie and I'm a 21 year old college student. I'll be participating in convention as a Delegate to ECW Triennial, an Alternate to General Convention as well helping as a legislative aid. I hope you will continue to join me as I attempt to blog my way through General Convention.