Sunday, June 18, 2006

PB elections

Unlike the common asumption prior to the election, as we all know the Rt Rev Katharine Jefferts Schori of Nevada was elected presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church. Most of us assumed she would be elected on either the first ballot (courtasy vote) or not at all. You may not, however, know the full balloting results (elected in 5 ballots):

188 votes cast, 95 needed to elect

Ballot 1:
Alexander: 26
Duque-Gomez 18
Jefferts-Schori 44
Jenkins: 29
Parsley: 36
Sauls: 20

Ballot 2:
A: 26
D-G: 10
G: 7
J-S: 49
J: 30
P: 36
S: 17

Ballot 3:
A: 22
G: 1
J-S: 68
J: 24
S: 6

Ballot 4:
A: 12
D-G: 2
G: 0
J-S: 88
J: 5
P: 79
A: 2

Ballot 5:
Alexander: 2
Duque-Gomez: 6
Gulick: 0
Jefferts-Schori: 95 *
Jenkins: 3
Parsley: 2
Sauls: 0

She was confirmed in the House of Deputies in a vote by orders, on E-017 (Committee on the Consecration of Bishops):
Lay Order:
Diocese voting: 109
Yes: 94
No: 8
Divided: 7
No+Div = 15

Clergy Order:
Diocese Voting: 111
Yes: 98
No: 10
Divided: 4
No+Div: 13

Resolution E-017 was adopted and The Rt. Rev (soon to be the Most Rev) Katherine Jefferts-Schori will be installed as Presiding Bishop and Primate in November of this year.


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